Published 20:09 IST, August 29th 2024

Who are the Majeed Brigade? The Suicide Squad Leading Operation Herof Against Pakistani Forces

The BLA, through its spokesperson, claims that “Operation Herof,” launched by its Majeed Brigade, has resulted in the deaths of 102 Pakistani soldiers.

Reported by: Yuvraj Tyagi
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BLA's Op Herof | Image: Republic

Islamabad, Pakistan - A large-scale coordinated attack on Pakistani military forces in Balochistan has rattled Islamabad, with the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) rushing to deploy all available resources to mitigate the damage. The Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) has claimed responsibility for what it calls "Operation Herof," a significant and ongoing military operation targeting Pakistani forces in Balochistan. According to the BLA, the coordinated assaults have resulted in the deaths of 102 Pakistani soldiers within just six hours of the operation’s commencement.  

The ISPR, the media and public relations wing of the Pakistan Armed Forces is tasked with broadcasting and coordinating military news and information to civilian media and society. In light of the latest attack, it faces an uphill battle in managing the perception of military strength while dealing with the internal fallout of the operation.  


What is BLA’s Operation Herof?  

The BLA, through its spokesperson Jeeyand Baloch, stated that the attack on the Bela army camp commenced with the detonation of two explosives-laden vehicles at the camp’s main entrance and nearby security posts. The explosions, described as devastating enough to annihilate the entrance and multiple posts, were followed by an aggressive infiltration by the Majeed Brigade's Herof fidayeen unit.

"Under the Baloch Liberation Army’s fidayeen operation 'Herof,' the fidayeen unit of the BLA’s Majeed Brigade attacked the occupying forces’ Bela camp, killing over 40 military personnel so far and maintaining control of a significant portion of the camp for the last six hours," Jeeyand Baloch said in a statement. The spokesperson further revealed that the attackers are reportedly unharmed and in communication with the BLA leadership, indicating that the assault is ongoing and advancing within the camp.  


The Majeed Brigade: The Force Behind the Offensive

At the forefront of this offensive is the Majeed Brigade, a unit known for its high-profile suicide attacks. Named after two Baloch brothers, Majeed Langove Senior and Junior, who became martyrs for the Balochi cause, the Brigade is a symbol of fierce resistance. The Majeed Brigade's operations have targeted key strategic points, including military convoys and infrastructure in Balochistan, and its renewed focus on high-value targets suggests an escalation in the BLA's tactics.

BLA operatives who carried out the attack under Operation Herof against Pakistan

Balochistan, Pakistan's largest and most resource-rich province, has long been a region of unrest and insurgency. Despite its vast natural wealth, the ethnic Baloch population remains among the poorest and most marginalized in Pakistan. The province’s rich resources, such as natural gas and minerals, have primarily benefited other provinces, leading to deep-seated resentment.  


Historical Grievances Fueling the Conflict  

The Baloch demand for greater autonomy and fairer resource distribution has been met with repression and military crackdowns by the Pakistani state. In recent years, Baloch militant groups, including the BLA, have increasingly targeted Chinese interests in the province, notably the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects and Chinese nationals, underscoring the local opposition to external exploitation of Balochistan’s resources.

Fidayee Wadood and Chakkar Baloch of the BLA were part of Operation Herof.

The Majeed Brigade derives its name from the Langove brothers, who have become legendary figures in Baloch nationalist narratives. Majeed Langove Senior, who died in a failed attempt to assassinate then-Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in 1974, and his younger brother Majeed Junior, who perished fighting Pakistani forces in 2010, symbolize the Baloch struggle for self-determination. The brothers’ sacrifices have inspired continued resistance, culminating in the formation of the Majeed Brigade, which has conducted several high-profile attacks in recent years, including strikes on Chinese consulates and infrastructure projects.  


ISPR's Challenge: Driving the Narrative  

The ISPR plays a critical role in maintaining morale within the armed forces and shaping public perception of military operations. Its task has been made more difficult by the BLA's claims of substantial casualties and control over parts of the Bela camp. While the ISPR is known for withholding casualty figures to protect the military's image, such efforts may prove less effective given the scale and impact of the recent attacks.

The current escalation in Balochistan highlights the persistent volatility in the province and the ongoing challenges for Islamabad in maintaining control and countering insurgency threats. As the BLA continues to mount high-profile attacks, the effectiveness of Pakistan's military strategy and its capacity to quell the insurgency remains in question. 


19:38 IST, August 29th 2024