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Published 08:05 IST, October 9th 2023

Anti-cancer Diet: Prevention Tips and 6 Foods to Lower Malignancy Risk

Discover a cancer-fighting ally in your daily meals. From veggies to mindful sugars, embrace a lifestyle that safeguards against malignancies.

Unlock the secrets to a healthier liver through smart nutrition | Image: iStock

In the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, the role of diet in preventing diseases, including cancer, cannot be overstated. While there's no magic bullet food that guarantees immunity, adopting a health-conscious diet can significantly lower the risk of various cancers, as reported by the American Cancer Society and Cleveland Clinic.

2 things you need to know

  • Eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables reduces cancer risk.
  • Be vigilant about added sugars for optimal health.

Maintaining a healthy weight

According to the American Cancer Society, maintaining a healthy weight is crucial in preventing numerous cancers, such as breast, colon, kidney and prostate cancer. Excess weight, especially a body mass index (BMI) over 30, is identified as a prominent risk factor for these malignancies. Striving for a healthy weight isn't just about appearance; it's a tangible defence against cancer and other chronic conditions.

Mediterranean Diet

(Mediterranean Diet is filled with natural and plant-based foods | Image: X)

When contemplating a cancer-preventive diet, the Mediterranean diet emerges as a beacon of health. Emphasising natural and plant-based foods, this lifestyle encourages consumption of fruits, vegetables, nuts and lean proteins, while advocating moderation in red meat and processed foods.

A palette of cancer-fighting nutrients

Following the advice of the American Cancer Society, aim to consume a variety of fruits and vegetables, incorporating at least three different colours each day. From red apples to green leafy vegetables and blueberries, the pigment responsible for their vibrant hues contains cancer-fighting ingredients.

Mindful sugar consumption

(Sugar contribute to obesity and heart diseases | Image: iStock)

While sugar isn't inherently evil, added sugars can contribute to obesity and heart disease, subsequently increasing cancer risk. Watch out for sneaky sources like bread, crackers, and salad dressings and limit your added sugar intake to align with the recommendations of the American Heart Association.

Vitamin D

Low levels of Vitamin D are associated with an elevated risk of breast, colon and prostate cancer. Consider incorporating vitamin D-rich foods or supplements into your routine, seeking advice from healthcare professionals.


 (High-fibre diet includes whole grains, beans and nuts | Image: X)

High-fibre diets not only decrease the risk of colon cancer but also aid weight management by inducing a sense of fullness. Include whole grains, beans, nuts and fibre-rich fruits in your diet for optimal health.

Key to cancer prevention

Alcohol consumption, especially at high levels, is linked to various cancers. Additionally, cutting down on salty foods, particularly cured and preserved items, can help reduce the risk of stomach cancer.

Discerning fats

Opt for unsaturated fats like those found in almonds, peanut butter, avocado and hummus. Limiting daily fat intake to 25-30 grams can contribute to weight control, a pivotal factor in cancer prevention.

In the journey towards a cancer-free life, your plate can become a powerful ally. By making informed dietary choices, you're taking significant steps in reducing the risk of cancer and promoting overall well-being.

Updated 08:05 IST, October 9th 2023

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