Published 13:46 IST, September 2nd 2024

Understanding Constipation Through Ayurvedic Science : Healin Roots Constipation Treatment

Healin Roots, an emerging health consultation startup has addressed constipation in a much simple & easier way through ancient india ayurved science

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Healin Roots Constipation Treatment | Image: Healin Roots Constipation Treatment

Constipation is a common digestive issue that affects millions of people worldwide. While it might seem like a minor inconvenience, chronic constipation can lead to discomfort, pain, and even more severe health complications if left untreated. Healin Roots, an emerging health consultation startup has addressed constipation in a much simple & easier way through ancient india ayurved science and is curing severe gut related issues like IBS , Ulcerative Colitis & Chronic Constipation from the roots through its integrated health approach with Homeopathy , Ayurved & Naturopathy.

Let’s understand what constipation is, when constipation occurs, how constipation occurs, constipation symptoms, constipation causes, and constipation treatment.



What Is Constipation?


Have you ever noticed what happens when you put a wet cloth under a fan or hang it out in the open air? The cloth starts getting dried up! Similarly, when you use a hair dryer, which blows air, your hair also starts getting dried up. This shows us that the air in our atmosphere has a unique quality - it has a drying effect on things when it comes in contact with them. This idea aligns with what the ancient Indian Ayurveda teaches - that our bodies are made up of five elements: Fire, Water, Air, Ether, and Earth. The Element “Air” has a very distinct quality in it that it is “dry” in nature and whenever it comes in contact with something it will start drying it up.

The air referred to in the Ayurveda text is present throughout our entire body, including our intestines and stomach. When this air is in balance, it facilitates the movement of bodily fluids and nutrients and supports important bodily functions such as breathing, heart function, and the elimination of toxins, fat, and waste. However, when this air becomes aggravated or unbalanced, it can lead to excessive dryness in the body. If the air is aggravated in the intestines, it can dry up the intestines, stool, and the necessary water and lubrication, resulting in constipation and impaired mobility.


The reason for experiencing hard, knotted pebble-like stool is due to the dehydration of the stool, which makes it hard and difficult to pass. Dehydration removes the water content and lubrication needed to facilitate the movement of stool through the digestive system. When people are constipated, they often pass a lot of gas and may feel something moving in their abdomen because of built-up air in the body that the body naturally tries to expel. This excess air can also cause the stool and intestine to become dry and unbalanced.



Constipation Symptoms

Dry & Cracked Lips


Many people who experience constipation also have dry, white, and cracked lips. This is often due to the excess air that causes dryness in your lips & your mouth! When something is excessively dried it easily cracks up!


Cracked Foot

Again, this symptom can be easily understood. Similar to dry lips, when this dry air reaches our feet, it dries them up and causes them to crack.


Dry Skin & Hair

Many people who experience constipation also notice that their skin and hair become very dry, and their skin may even start to appear whitish, like in the winters. This Is again that air that is showing its symptoms and drying each and everything inside our body.

Bloating, Burping, Eruptions & Passing Of Excessive Gas

This symptom needs no explanation and can be easily understood as this gas, burping, bloating and flatulence is nothing but that aggravated air only.


Weight Loss

Although not everyone, a good number of people start experiencing sudden weight loss along with constipation after a certain period of time. Why does this happen? This occurs because the excessive air is dehydrating your body, including your body fat, muscles, bodily fluids, micronutrients, and vitamins that are supposed to be absorbed by your body. This affects your overall growth, making you weak and thin. Some people may also gain weight, but we will delve into the reasons behind this later when we consider other elements of the body besides air.



According to Ayurveda, the air element possesses several qualities. It is dry in nature and has the ability to dry out anything it comes into contact with. However, Ayurveda also states that air is sharp and can cause pain inside our bodies. In 90% of cases, when we experience pain in our bodies, it is due to the air element. People suffering from constipation often experience pain in various parts of their bodies, such as the stomach, back, rectum, chest, and even headaches. This pain can manifest anywhere in the body because air is present in every organ. Ayurveda suggests that constant headaches can also be attributed to constipation and aggravated air. Unlike other elements like fire, which is burning in nature and creates a burning sensation, earth, which is heavy in nature and causes heaviness, ether, which is void and empty and is associated with emptiness & loneliness, and water, which is fluid and is linked to excessive sweat & oily skin, air is sharp, pinching, and painful in nature. According to ancient Indian Ayurveda, most of the pain in our bodies is likely due to this aggravated air.

Hard Knotted Pebble & Stone Like Stool Creating Fecal Impaction

This symptom requires no further explanation, as this aggravated dry air causes your stool and intestine to dry up, resulting in rock-hard feces. When these stools are not passed, it leads to fecal impaction and obstruction.


Bad Odour & Smell from Body & Mouth

This symptom is indirectly related to the air, but it can be easily understood. When you are constipated and the stool becomes rotten inside your body, it will release a bad odor and toxins. This can impact digestion and result in the bad smell being reflected from your mouth, body, and even the continuous gas you expel.

Excessive Thirst & Dehydration

Many people who are constipated often feel very thirsty because this aggravated air dries the water content in their bodies. They may experience dryness in the mouth even with minimal talking and feel the need to drink water frequently. This feeling of dehydration is caused by the dry air, which reduces the water content inside the body.

No Desire For Food, Nausea & Weak Digestion

So when your stomach is not clear, you will feel full and heavy, lack freshness, and lose interest in food, impacting digestion and causing nausea & anorexia.

No Urge for Stool

Having no urge for stool is simply an indication of aggravation of air and its mobility issues, where it's not creating the pressure, urge, and movement to pass stool from the body.


Fissure is simply a crack or cut caused by excessive dryness of the air.


Constipation Treatment

To effectively address constipation, it's crucial to understand its causes and make lifestyle and dietary adjustments. Modern medical treatments sometimes fail to address the underlying issues due to a lack of understanding of the body's basic concepts and ancient wisdom.

Healin Roots approaches constipation through the integration of homeopathy, Ayurveda, and naturopathy. These holistic practices not only address the symptoms but also target the root causes to restore balance to the body.

Healin Roots is committed to providing personalized, natural health solutions. Healin Roots health consultation service allows you to connect with experienced practitioners who specialize in homeopathy, Ayurveda, and naturopathy. Through comprehensive assessments, developing tailored treatment plans that address your unique health needs.

Constipation can often be managed effectively with the right approach. By choosing natural methods, you not only alleviate discomfort but also support overall digestive health. 

Healin Roots is here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring that you achieve lasting relief and a healthier lifestyle.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, visit website at  and take the first step towards better digestive health today.


13:46 IST, September 2nd 2024