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Published 23:45 IST, July 16th 2020

World Emoji Day Images 2020 for you to share with your loved ones

Every year, the World Emoji Day is celebrated on July 17. Here are some of the World Emoji Day images you can send to your loved ones. Read ahead to know more-

Reported by: Pooja Dhar
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In recent years, technology has advanced itself. The invention of emojis has made having a digital conversation even more fun. Every year, the World Emoji Day is celebrated on July 17, in order to appreciate the creation of emojis. This day is annually celebrated since 2014. Here are some of the World Emoji Day images you can send to your loved ones. 

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World Emoji Day Images



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The World Emoji Day is held on July 17, every year. This day celebrates and encourages the use of emojis in order to send unique messages. Before the existence of emojis, there were emoticons. Emoticons are actually ‘emotion + icon’, that was developed as a way of expressing emotions in the way of texting or messaging.



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Emoji is a Japanese expression that means a ‘picture word'. It was created in 1990 by Kurita. While working for the Japanese telecom company NTT Docomo, Shigetaka Kurita used to design picture words as a feature on their page in order to make them more appealing to teens.



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Some of the popular World Emoji Day Quotes you can forward on this day:

Oceans of emotion can be transmitted through a text message, an emoji sequence, and a winking semicolon, but humans are hardwired to respond to visuals. - Jenna Wortham

LOL is one of several texting expressions that convey nuance in a system where you don’t have the voice and face to do it the way you normally would.  - John McWhorter

What makes emojis special is the fact that it has helped millions express themselves better than even the wide array of words in the oxford dictionary. - Nancy Gibbs

Every text message is complete with an emoji in it. Every chat is complete with an emoji in it. They have become an integral part of our lives. - Jenna Wortham

My emoji vocabulary is pretty limited to, like, the smiling poop and the rainbow and a unicorn or something. - Bob Morley

No sooner my kids leave their friends than they start texting them. And it's all in code in a language I totally don't understand. - Bill Engvall

Today’s kids aren't taking up arms against their parents; they're too busy texting them. - Nancy Gibbs

People are hard -pressed for time but they do need to communicate. Emojis are here to help and make it smooth. - John McWhorter


Updated 23:45 IST, July 16th 2020


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