Published 16:45 IST, February 21st 2020
Stylish Free Fire names: Here's a list of 100+ top names for your in-game character
Garena Free Fire allows users to change their gaming names & make their identity stand out. Here’s a list of 100+ stylish Free Fire names that you can use.
- Tech
- 3 min read
Garena Free Fire is a mobile battle royal title developed and published by Garena Studios. It is one of the strongest competitors to PUBG Mobile and Call of Duty Mobile among FPS games. Garena Free Fire also offers users some exciting features for customisation like changing the gaming name/alias, customising your in-game avatar, and many more. There are tonnes of cool Free Fire names available online that you can use for your unique avatar. Since users frequently look for stylish Free Fire names, here are some of the Free fire top names available online according to name generator website Nickfinder.
Stylish Free Fire Names
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How to change the Free Fire name of your avatar?
The process of moving to stylish Free Fire names is simple. However, it costs 800 diamonds of the Garena Free Fire in-game currency. Here is how you change your name in Free Fire:
- Open the Garena Free Fire app on your Android or iOS smartphone.
- Then find your current Free Fire name in the top left corner of the game screen.
- For your Free Fire name change, on the notebook icon next to your Free Fire name.
- Enter your new Free Fire name, which you may have selected from the cool Free Fire names available online.
- The Free Fire name change will only accept Free Fire names that are under 12 characters in total.
- Once you have finalised and entered your unique Free Fire name or one of Free Fire top names available online, the game will search for instances of the same names being used by other users.
- If you are satisfied with your Free Fire name change, you can complete the process by paying 800 diamonds
Free Fire top names generators online
Nickfinder is one of the most commonly used websites that players use to generate stylish Free Fire names. The players can use these cool Free Fire names for free. These names are usually created based on popular culture characters and pets. For generating some cool Free Fire names, you have to enter the name in the generator, and it will provide you with Free Fire top names pertaining to your search.
Updated 16:45 IST, February 21st 2020