The TVF miniseries, directed by Saurabh Khanna, follows three hostel friends in their first year of engineering college, blending lighthearted moments, romance, heartbreak, and squabbles.
Source: IMDb
Season 1 featured a talented cast in a dental college hostel setting, while season 3 introduced gender fluidity, rivalry, and corruption.
Source: IMDb
TVF Founder Arunabh Kumar developed a show featuring college students, falling in love, and never reading textbooks. Featuring talented actors over three seasons.
Source: IMDb
Crash Course is directed by Vijay Maurya and scripted by Manish Hariprasad and Raina Roy, follows Ratanraj Jindal, a coaching class mafia, and his greed and desperation towards students.
Source: IMDb
The TVF show, created by Arunabh Kumar and Shreyansh Pandey, follows three friends preparing for UPSC exams in Delhi, featuring high-quality writing and performances.
Source: X/TVF
The nine-part show, set in Bhopal and Indore, explores medical entrance test scams led by unscrupulous coaching class owner and gangster Dhansu Yadav, featuring real-life incidents and cops.
Source: IMDb
The series, directed by Akarsh Khurana, follows the romantic entanglements between middle-class Dimple and aristocrat Rishi at the Aravalli Institute in Jaipur.
Source: X