Business Desk

Google Doodle celebrates flat white coffee, shares animated illustration

Google Doodle has released an animated tribute to the flat white, an espresso-based beverage beloved by coffee enthusiasts worldwide, believed to have originated in Australia and New Zealand.

Source: Google

This homage coincides with March 11, the day the flat white was officially recognised in the Oxford English Dictionary in 2011.

Source: Google

The doodle is set to be visible across various countries, including India, celebrating the drink's cultural significance and global appeal.

Source: Google

Google Doodles are variations of the Google logo that appear on the search engine's homepage to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, achievements, and notable events.

Source: Unsplash

The flat white, comprising a shot of espresso topped with steamed milk and a delicate layer of micro-foam, is traditionally served in a ceramic cup.

Source: Unsplash

Its roots trace back to Sydney and Auckland in the 1980s, where it first appeared on café menus, captivating coffee lovers with its smooth texture and rich flavour.

Source: Unsplash

The popularity of flat white resonates with the global acclaim that it has garnered, particularly among those seeking a velvety coffee experience with minimal foam.

Source: Unsplash

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