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Published 20:30 IST, October 4th 2021

Greek police apprehend suspect in connection with anti-racist protest: Report

A Greek newspaper Kathimerini reports that a Greek man was arrested in Attica in connection with an attack on members of an anti-fascist group.

Reported by: Rohit Ranjan
Image: AP | Image: self

A Greek newspaper Kathimerini reports that a Greek man was arrested in Attica, a historical place in Greece, in connection with an attack on members of an anti-fascist group during a demonstration on Sunday. The attacker's face and swastika tattoo were visible in a video shared on Facebook, and the authorities were able to identify him. According to the publication, he is known to promote the Pro Patria organisation, an extreme right-wing nationalist group. 

According to police sources, The 30-year-old is a well-known right and anti-vaccination activist who was arrested last July for episodes at an anti-vaccine rally in Athens. The suspect was also arrested in 2019 in connection with attacks by groups that left him crowned at the Heroes Memorial on the 25th anniversary of March independence in Greece south of Athens in Kallithea and earlier this year during a violent protest against the vaccine, as per the reports of Kathimerini.

Golden Dawn was declared a criminal organisation by a Greek court

On Sunday, members of the Movement United Against Racism and Fascist Threat (KEERFA) gathered in a Neo Iraklio square to mark the first anniversary of the outlawed neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn's conviction. Three people were hurt when the man, along with 15 others, attacked members of the KEERFA movement. According to KathimeriniGolden Dawn was declared a criminal organisation by a Greek court on October 7, 2020, and its members were found guilty of numerous violent acts, including murder. According to reports, the suspect was part of a group of around 15 men who blitzed members of the KEERFA as they gathered in a public square in the Neo Iraklio suburb ahead of a rally planned for this Saturday to mark a year since the Golden Dawn neo-Nazi party was convicted. The assailants struck and kicked victims at random before fleeing.

KEERFA denounces the Greek police

The Movement United Against Racism and Fascist Threats denounces the Greek police oligarchy in a video posted on Facebook following the attack by them, claiming that a gang of fascists attacked a KEERFA gathering under the cover of the police.

Image: AP

Updated 20:30 IST, October 4th 2021


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