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Published 08:33 IST, November 11th 2020

Kenya official voices fears for second virus wave

Fears of a second wave of COVID-19 infections in Kenya are rising following a spike in new infections over the past two weeks.

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Fears of a second wave of COVID-19 infections in Kenya are rising following a spike in new infections over the past two weeks. Kenya has suffered less from the virus than many other nations, recording a total of 1,154 deaths to date. But 24 deaths from COVID were reported on Tuesday, the country's biggest single-day death toll since the outbreak began.

This followed the government's decision to ease restrictions that were imposed to curb the first wave of the virus, leading people to drop their guard, according to Ahmed Kalebi, CEO and consultant pathologist at Pathologists Lancet Kenya. Kalebi said that barring a vaccine or cure, Kenya could face "multiple peaks" over the coming months.

7,162 new infections were confirmed on Tuesday, bringing the total number of cases to 64,588. President Uhuru Kenyatta has now imposed further restrictions, with bars and restaurants ordered to close by 9pm, and the overnight curfew starting at 10pm, an hour earlier than before. 

Updated 08:33 IST, November 11th 2020


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