Published 19:10 IST, May 19th 2022
Three US Army veterans claim they saw UFOs along Israel-Egypt border in 2014
“I would describe it as a big object with several smaller objects, which appeared to be communicating, or scuffling," one of the three US Army veterans said.
- World News
- 3 min read
At least three former US Army veterans have claimed that they encountered Unidentified Flying Objects or UFOs along the Israel-Egypt border in the Sinai Peninsula in 2014 but were told to "keep their mouth shut." As the Pentagon officials testified at the first public UFO hearing in more than 50 years, the said US Army veterans revealed that they had seen nearly eight objects in the sky absurdly hovering and speeding while they were deployed at a military outpost in Sinai on the Egyptian border in December 2014. But the three veterans said that they were under pressure from their seniors to stay quiet on the issue.
Sergeant Travis Bingham, E4 Specialist Vishal Singh, and Private First Class Dovell Engram were deployed near the Israel-Egypt border in 2014 when they claimed that they saw "inexplainable" flying objects in the sky, that could not be reasoned with. The UFOs appeared like they were of “non-human origin.”
“I would describe it as a big object with several smaller objects, which appeared to be communicating, or scuffling, like a dogfight in the air,” Sergeant Travis Bingham, 36, told Congress during the briefing on May 18.
“We knew it wasn’t our military and it was baffling,” he claimed.
Strange objects glowing very bright, speeding, and taking a U-turn
US Army veterans described the objects as glowing very bright, speeding, and taking a U-turn in the sky. "You could clearly see them with the naked eye, and it was clear how fast they were moving. To this day, I’ve never seen anything like the craft, covering such distance with extreme speeds," Travis Bingham iterated. Another veteran, Engram, described his experience saying that he had spotted "something strange in the sky" during his deployment.
In a statement, separately to Daily Mail, he admitted that he was "scared" after seeing something so bright, and apparently looking like a craft in the night sky. The third US Army veteran, Singh said that the craft and smaller objects "began moving like fireflies, left, right, up and down. They were turning everywhere instantaneously. They must have been 30,000 ft high in the sky.”
“I cannot imagine any military that has this type of technology. We’re talking u-turns while at hypersonic speeds," US Army veteran Singh said.
During the US Congress' first UFO hearing in almost half a century, the officials admitted that such phenomena have been widely documented but was ignored due to the 'stigma' associated with it that questioned the intelligence of the US military service members. US pilots avoided reporting as they were laughed at when they did, Pentagon acknowledged for the first time.
"DOD officials relegated the issue to the backroom or swept it under the rug entirely, fearful of a sceptical national security community," Representative Andre Carson, a Democrat of Indiana reportedly said. He further acknowledged that the UAPs are "unexplained, it’s true. But they are real. They need to be investigated. And any threats they pose need to be mitigated.”
Updated 19:10 IST, May 19th 2022