Published 21:04 IST, September 9th 2024

Where is Ahmed Omar Sheikh Now? Terrorist Swapped In IC 814 Kandahar Hijack

Ahmed Omar Sheikh, also known as Umar Sheikh became one of the most feared figures in the terror world after the murder of journalist Daniel Pearl.

Reported by: Himanshu Shekhar
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Ahmed Omar Sheikh became one of the most feared figures in the terror world after the murder of journalist Daniel Pearl | Image: AP

Web series IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack has brought focus on terrorists who were freed to secure release of innocent Indians from the hijacked Indian Airlines plane. One of the freed terrorists was Omar Sheikh.

Ahmed Omar Sheikh, also known as Umar Sheikh or Sheikh Omar alias Mustafa Muhammad Ahmad, became one of the most dreaded names in the terror world after journalist Daniel Pearl's murder. Born in a prosperous Pakistani family, Sheikh’s journey from a privileged upbringing to becoming a key figure in international terrorism is a story of radicalization, militant training, and involvement in high-profile terrorist acts.

US journalist Daniel Pearl (L) and Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh (R) AP Photo

Early Life and Radicalisation

Ahmed Omar Sheikh’s early years were marked by academic excellence and privilege. Raised in London, he attended the Forest School in Walthamstow, a prestigious private institution, before enrolling at Aitchison College, an elite school in Lahore, Pakistan . Sheikh returned to the UK to study at the London School of Economics (LSE), where he was an academically gifted student. However, his time at LSE was short-lived; Sheikh soon dropped out and began to immerse himself in radical Islamic ideology.

The Bosnian conflict in the early 1990s played a pivotal role in Sheikh’s radicalization. Reports suggest that he was deeply affected by the alleged atrocities against Muslims in Bosnia, which pushed him towards jihadist ideology. Former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf later alleged in his autobiography, In the Line of Fire, that Sheikh was initially recruited by the British intelligence agency MI6 to aid in efforts in the Balkans but eventually went rogue, embracing extremist jihadist beliefs.


Trained in Pakistan

Sheikh travelled to Pakistan in the early 1990s, where he received extensive training in terrorist camps run by groups like Harkat-ul-Ansar and Harkat-ul-Mujahideen. These camps, located on Pakistan -Afghan border areas, were notorious for training recruits in guerrilla warfare, weapons handling, bomb-making, and other militant tactics. Under the guidance of experienced jihadist commanders, Sheikh honed his skills and developed connections with key figures in the jihadist network, including members of Al-Qaeda. His English speaking ability helped him get close to top leadership in Al-Qaeda who used him as an example to lure other educated recruits to fulfill their devious designs.

Omar Sheikh soon distinguished himself as a capable and committed hand who had earned the trust of their leaders. He was involved in several operations in the region, including combat missions and kidnapping activities. His ability to speak multiple languages, including English, made him a valuable asset to these groups, particularly for operations targeting Western nationals.  


Arrested in India During A Failed Kidnapping Attempt

In 1994, Sheikh’s activities led him to India, where he under the guidance of his masters in Pakistan , orchestrated the kidnapping of four foreign tourists—three British and one American—in New Delhi. The abduction was intended to secure the release of jailed jihadists but was thwarted when Indian authorities rescued the hostages, and Sheikh was arrested. Imprisoned in India, Sheikh’s time behind bars did not diminish his militant zeal; instead, it solidified his status within terrorist circles as a dedicated and dangerous operative.

Release in the IC 814 Hijacking Swap

Though Sheikh was a highly trusted operative for Bin Laden and his sympathisers in Pakistan 's ISI, Sheikh was still away from global headlines untile the Indian Airlines plane IC 814's hijacked by terrorists. On December 24, 1999, Indian Airlines Flight IC-814 was hijacked en route from Kathmandu, Nepal, to New Delhi. The hijackers diverted the plane to Kandahar, then under Taliban control. After a tense week-long standoff, the government, to save the lives of innocent hostages, agreed to release three terrorists, including Omar Sheikh, in exchange for the safe release of the passengers.


What Did Omar Sheikh Do After His Release?

Sheikh was given safe passage into Afghanistan, facilitated by the Taliban, and he quickly reconnected with terrorist networks. The decision to release Sheikh in the IC-814 turned out costly not just for India but the entire world. At that point, it emboldened terrorist groups but also set a dangerous precedent of negotiating with terrorists.

Daniel Pearl Kidnapping and Murder

Omar Sheikh continued his involvement with terrorist organisations, cementing his position as a key figure within the jihadist network. Omar held a meeting with Osama Bin Laden and was later referred to as his 'special son'. Reports suggest Osama and Al-Qaeda leadership held a party for all the freed terrorists by India. In 2002, Sheikh masterminded the kidnapping of Daniel Pearl, an American journalist investigating terrorist financing in Pakistan . The kidnapping, initially portrayed as a bid to secure the release of Pakistani detainees held at Guantanamo Bay, soon took a darker turn.


Pearl was held captive in Karachi, where he was brutally murdered on video, an act that sent shockwaves across the world. During his trial, Sheikh initially admitted to his role in Pearl’s kidnapping, stating, "I don't want to defend this case. I did this... Right or wrong, I had my reasons." However, he later retracted his confession, denying involvement in the murder and instead implicating Al-Qaeda operative Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who in 2007 admitted to being the one who personally killed Pearl.

Legal Battles and Imprisonment in Pakistan

Sheikh was sentenced to death by a Pakistani court in 2002 after his arrest. Over the years, his case has been marked by appeals, retractions, and ongoing controversies. In April 2020, the Sindh High Court overturned Sheikh’s murder conviction, sparking international outrage, particularly from the US and Pearl’s family. The Pakistani government quickly appealed the decision, and as of March 2021, Sheikh remains imprisoned in Lahore's Kot Lakhpat Jail, Lahore, although he has been moved off death row.

Over the years, Pakistan ’s intelligence agency, the ISI's protection to Omar Sheikh , even after conviction, has been an open secret. Despite being formally imprisoned, there are lingering suspicions about the extent of Sheikh’s protection by certain elements within Pakistan , reflecting the country’s failure to come clean on records.

Allegations of State Support and Controversies

Sheikh’s ability to operate with relative freedom in Pakistan following his release from India has fueled allegations that he was harbored and protected by state elements. Former President Musharraf’s claims that Sheikh was once an MI6 asset further added to the murky narrative surrounding his past. Some sources have indicated that the ISI paid for Sheikh’s legal fees during his 1994 trial in India, suggesting a deeper level of state involvement.

Omar Sheikh's case exposes the complex, and at times contradictory, nature of Pakistan 's policies towards militancy. Critics argue that figures like Sheikh have historically been used as strategic assets by Pakistan ’s security apparatus, particularly in conflicts with neighbouring India, only to later become liabilities.

Sheikh’s Alleged Role in 9/11 Planning and Financing

Although Sheikh hit global headlines for his involvement in the Daniel Pearl kidnapping, some reports have speculated about his broader role in international terrorism, including the 9/11 attacks. Articles in The Guardian and Newsweek have discussed his alleged ties to Al-Qaeda operatives and suggested that he may have played a role in funding or facilitating aspects of the 9/11 plot, although these claims remain to be proved.

Omar Sheikh’s life is one of violence, manipulation, and unrepentant terrorism. His role in dreaded kidnappings and murders left the world shocked. Despite his imprisonment, his case continues to cast a long shadow over Pakistan ’s legal system and its international relations.

As of now, Sheikh remains in Kot Lakhpat Jail, awaiting the outcome of ongoing legal appeals. Omar Sheikh’s life story serves as a chilling reminder of the dangerous convergence of radical ideology, militant training, and state complicity that continues to fuel international terrorism. Omar Sheikh still remains one of the most wanted men by the United States and the United Kingdom in several cases linked to terror. 

20:11 IST, September 9th 2024