
Published 10:20 IST, November 30th 2020

Israeli scientists claim to biologically reverse human ageing process for first time ever

A team of Tel Aviv University scientists managed to reverse the human ageing process inside a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Read this article to know more.

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Israeli scientists claim to biologically reverse human ageing process for first time ever | Image: self

The precise nature of ageing has always been a mystery. Now, scientists at Tel Aviv University in Israel have finally found what they claim to be success in reversing the human ageing process. The comprehensive research was published on the Aging Magazine of the Impact Journals. This publication is solely dedicated to the studies related to ageing and how it happens in the biosphere.

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What is the research all about?

The research involved a team of Tel Aviv University scientists. They finally found a way to reverse the ageing process in humans by using a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Their clinical trial involved 35 adults who were more than 64 years old.

The ageing process is closely tied with human DNA and chromosomes. The telomere is a small-cap like structure found in the human chromosomes. The telomere is known to have many essential functions, including genetic traits. The length of the telomere is closely tied with human ageing. The telomeres become shorter with time and the number of chromosomes with shorter telomeres increases as people age. The shorter telomeres result in damaged DNA and also decrease the number of new cells from the mitosis procedure, which causes cells to replicate. Furthermore, shorter telomeres also increase the number of old and malfunctioning senescent cells, and this triggers ageing. 

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According to the journal published in Aging Magazine, the scientists organized the clinical examination in the Shamir Medical Centre in Israel. They gave pure oxygen to the volunteers while keeping them inside the hyperbaric chamber. The regular oxygen therapy worked wonders. The scientist found that the telomeres of the volunteers increased by nearly 20 percent. It is one of the most notable discoveries as this was never achieved before. Furthermore, it was also observed that the telomeres increased in length and also matched the telomeres the volunteers had before 25 years. 

Previous animal studies showed that if senescent cells are removed from the animal bodies, the life span increases at least one-third of the original lifespan.

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Additionally, oxygen therapy also decreased the number of senescent cells up to 37 percent in the volunteers. Professor Shai Efrati, the faculty of Medicine and Sagol School of Neuroscience at Tel Aviv University stated to the fitness Doctors magazine, “Since telomere shortening is considered the ‘holy grail’ of gaining procedure, many pharmacological and environmental interventions are being extensively explored in the hopes of enabling telomere elongation”. He also stated that this new research offers the whole scientific community to find a new perspective in understanding the ageing procedure. It will also help in reversion the ageing effect on the cellular level. 

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This research opened a new direction which will help in understanding how ageing works in humans and the possible ways of the anti-ageing procedure.

Updated 10:20 IST, November 30th 2020