Published 20:00 IST, September 7th 2020
One for All tier list: Top champions to consider for your next team
One for All tier list - One for All is a competitive game mode in LOL that features a huge list of characters. Read on to learn about the different tiers.
League of Legends is one of the most successful battle arena games right now. It features a multitude of lethal champions that come with a variety of different skills and abilities. The online multiplayer game also comes with a limited-time game mode called ‘One for All’ which places players in a 5v5 battle in Summoner's Rift map. Players can choose from a wide range of heroes which can be classified into different tiers.
The top tier in One for All is represented by Tier S, who are essentially the most powerful champions in the game. Tier D champions, on the other hand, are those who are the least effective ones. So, it is necessary that you invest in the right champions for your battle.
One for All tiers
Here’s a look at the different tiers in One for All:
Tier S Heroes – Champions in tier S are the most powerful characters in the game.
Tier A Heroes – Champions in tier A also feature some really strong characters, however, they aren’t as effective as those in the top tier.
Tier B Heroes – Champions in tier B can be also a valuable addition to your team and may also overtake those in tier A in certain instances.
Tier C Heroes –Tier C champions are the least viable characters in the game.
Tier D Heroes – Champions belonging to tier D are poor characters.
One for All tier list
Here is the One for All tier list:
One for All - Tier S champions
- Darius
- Dr. Mundo
- Ekko
- Garen
- Heimerdinger
- Jhin
- Karthus
- Kled
- Lux
- Malphite
- Maokai
- Teemo
- Trundle
- Yasuo
One for All - Tier A champions
- Aatrox
- Ahri
- Amumu
- Annie
- Blitzcrank
- Brand
- Diana
- Ezreal
- Fiddlesticks
- Fiora
- Fizz
- Galio
- Gnar
- Gragas
- Graves
- Malzahar
- Master Yi
- Neeko
- Olaf
- Orianna
- Qiyana
- Renekton
- Riven
- Sett
- Sion
- Sylas
- Vi
- Zed
One for All - Tier B champions
- Aurelion Sol
- Camille
- Cassiopeia
- Draven
- Jinx
- Jayce
- Nunu and Willump
- Ornn
- Rengar
- Sivir
- Viktor
One for All - Tier B champions
- Akali
- Ashe
- Bard
- Caitlyn
- Elise
- Senna
- Gangplank
- Skarner
- Zac
One for All - Tier D champions
- Aphelios
- Azir
- Braum
- Corki
- Ivern
- Kindred
- Thresh
- Yuumi
Image credits: League of Legends
Updated 20:00 IST, September 7th 2020