
Updated 11:51 IST, July 29th 2020

RDR2 patch notes 1.20 introduce a new Outlaw Pass, Frontier Pursuit and bug fixes

Red Dead Redemption 2 has received a new update which is available for download today. Continue reading for RDR2 patch notes and the patch download size.

Reported by: Danish Ansari
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RDR2 patch notes
RDR2 patch notes 1.20 introduce a new Outlaw Pass, Frontier Pursuit and bug fixes | Image: self

Rockstar Games has rolled out a major update for its popular survival game, Red Dead Redemption 2 across Xbox One, PS4 and PC platforms. It brings tons of new features and content, including an all-new Outlaw Pass, a new Frontier Pursuit, and a bunch of important bug fixes, among other things. The RDR2 update is live on all platforms and has a download size of around 5 GB.

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RDR2 patch notes 1.20

Naturalist Specialist Role

  • There is a new RDR2 Naturalist Specialist Role that will start a new path around tracking, studying and hunting animals. Several new items, gameplay and a new role progression will also be accessible for all the Naturalists. This will be available in the Welcome Center in the town of Strawberry where one can buy a Sample Kit from Harriet Davenport before moving ahead.

New Legendary Animal species

Seven new Legendary Animal species will be featured in RDR2 Online, where each animal will have three different subspecies. Here are the new Legendary Animal species: 

  • Cougar
  • Fox
  • Boar
  • Beaver
  • Wolf
  • Bison
  • Elk

New Roam Events

RDR2 Online will have two new Roam Events related to the Naturalist Role. As players start to progress in the game using the Naturalist Role, the events will become available through invites. The two events include:

  • Protect Legendary Animal - This will require players to work with other users, wherein a Legendary Animal species needs to freed from the poachers and escorted.
  • Wild Animal Tagging - This will be a timed challenge that will require users to cooperate with other players in the game to calm and tag a given number of animal species.

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New Weapons

  • RDR2 Online has two new weapons that players can buy from the Gunsmith or the Handheld Catalogue

New Horses

Gypsy Cob is a new Horse Breed added to the game. Players will be able to unlock it via Naturalist Role progression. The Gypsy Cob horse has a total of 6 coat variations.

Other content

  • RDR2 Online has a new Advanced Camera that is available at $540. Players will be able to buy this item from the Handheld Catalogue or General Stores. Some of its notable features include high mobility when capturing photos, and use of filters. The Outlaw Pass rewards will allow players to unlock more filters.
  • A Wilderness Camp is added to the game and will be unlocked through progression.
  • Five new Dynamic Events have been added
  • New sets of Weekly Collections are added for Collector Role players from Madam Nazar.
  • A number of Daily Challenges are added in General and Role Challenge categories
  • There are some new Awards related to Naturalist, Moonshiner and Collector Role content
  • Both male and female characters will have some new items and variations of clothing and outfits.
  • New Tonics have been added which can either be purchased from Harriet’s Naturalist Store or unlocked by progressing through the game.
  • A number of Animal Trinkets have been added to the game to offer permanent benefits to user stats.
  • New Crafting Recipes can be purchased from Harriet’s Naturalist Store or unlocked through progression. 
  • New items of Horse Equipment can be unlocked using Naturalist Role rewards
  • Three new weapon variants can be bought and applied from the Gunsmith after unlocking them. These include - Varmint Rifle (Naturalist Variant), Improved Bow (Horned Variant), and Improved Bow (Wooden Inlay Variant)
  • A bunch of new weapon modifications can be unlocked through Club Rewards and Outlaw Pass Rewards, including Grip/Stock (Burled Grip), Tempered Steel, Coloured Enamel and a Cloth (Sage/Cobalt).
  • Both male and female characters will have a new hairstyle, with some additional Hair Accessories for female characters.
  • Six new Emotes have been added, which include the Beat Chest, Confident Dance, Formal Dance, Rock Paper Scissors, Take Note, and Thanks.
  • Drunk is the new unlockable walk style added to the game.
  • Three new Photo Studio Backdrops are unlockable via Outlaw Pass Rewards.
  • Four new Photo Studio Poses are unlockable via Outlaw Pass Rewards.

Early Access Content for PS4 users:

  • Legendary Gabbro Horn Ram
  • Legendary Chalk Horn Ram
  • Legendary Rutile Horn Ram
  • Three Fossil Collections

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The Outlaw Pass No. 3

An updated Wheeler Rawson and Co. Club is now available. Players will be able to get automatic and free Club membership. This will allow them to earn rewards as they play during the Membership period between July 28 and October 19, 2020.

Players will be able to get the Outlaw Pass No. 3 by spending 40 Gold Bars using the Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Some of the main rewards include:

  • 40 Gold Bars
  • Brand new Rewards and Offers
  • Aesthetic perks for the Naturalist Role
  • Over 15% Role XP boost during the Club Membership period
  • Unique weapon metals, engravings and wraps
  • A trusty Australian Shepherd Camp Dog and other accessories for Camp
  • Filters for your Advanced Camera with added effects

Bug fixes and improvements

The game features a bunch of improvements to Accessibility and Gameplay, Matchmaking, Daily Challenge and Economy balancing. In addition, there are a plethora of bug fixes which include fixes to Awards and Daily Challenges, Story Mode, Game Stability and Performance, Game Menus and UI, Graphics and Visual Effects, Items, Clothing and Emotes, Photo Mode, Horses and Vehicles, Shops, Weapons and Combat, and other miscellaneous fixes.

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Image credits: Rockstar Games

Published 11:51 IST, July 29th 2020