Lootere, the action drama revolves around dangerous events that take place after a ship is hijacked. Directed by Jai Mehta, Hansal Mehta is the showrunner. The series will be released on March 22.
Source: IMDb
When a flight is hijacked by terrorists, Anshul, an undercover agent, sets out to rescue the passengers held hostage. Directed by Ranjit Tiwar, the film was released on 19 August 2021 in 3D.
Source: IMDb
Neerja is about a courageous Neerja Bhanot, who sacrificed her life on Pan Am Flight 73 in 1986 when it was hijacked by a terrorist. Directed by Ram Madhvani, the movie is starred by Sonam Kapoor.
Source: IMDb
In the action thriller, Shiney Ahuja plays a ground maintenance officer at the Chandigarh airport who finds himself under a stressful situation when the flight was hijacked by the terrorist.
Source: IMDb
Zameen is a Bollywood action film directed by debutant Rohit Shetty. The story of the film is based on the terrorists attack the Indian Parliament building and hijacking a civilian plane.
Source: IMDb
Kandahar is a Malayalam war film directed by Manoj Ravi, starring Mohanlal coupled with Amitabh Bachchan, and Ganesh Ventakraman. The movie is based on the hijacking incident of Indian Airlines.
Source: IMDb
Ganganam revolves around Ravi (Nagarjuna) to rescue a flight from Chennai to Delhi which is hijacked by Yousuf Khan's men.