True Detective is an anthology series explores personal and professional secrets of police investigations, created by Nic Pizzolatto and Issa López, featuring stars Vince Vaughn, Colin Farrell.
Source: IMDb
The Boys is about a vigilante group that aims to eliminate corrupt superheroes who misuse their powers, created by Nic Pizzolatto and Issa López.
Source: IMDb
The Penguin is about Oz Cobb, the Penguin, leads a play to control Gotham's crime world following The Batman (2022) events, starring Colin Farrell, Kristin Milioti, and René Feliz.
Source: IMDb
Fallout is based on a post-apocalyptic Los Angeles, citizens must live underground bunkers to protect themselves from radiation, mutants, and bandits due to nuclear decimation.
Source: Instagram
House Of The Dragons is about House Targaryen's power surged during an internal succession war, 172 years before Daenerys Targaryen's birth.
Source: IMDb
Shogun is about Lord Yoshii Toranaga who discovers secrets from a mysterious European ship in a Japanese fishing village, potentially affecting his enemies.
Source: IMDb
Bridgerton Season 3 is about consisting of eight siblings, seeks love and happiness in London's high society. The series stars Nicola Coughlan, Luke Thompson, Ruth Gemmell, Cosmo Jarvis
Source: Netflix