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10 Hanging Plants That Can Improve Air Quality

Heartleaf Philodendron is also known as Philodendron Hederaceum. This plant is low maintenance but is efficient at removing harmful chemicals from the air.

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English Ivy or Hedera helix is a versatile plant that can absorb toxins such as mold and airborne fecal matter, thus improving air quality indoors.

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Chlorophytum Comosum is commonly known as a Spider Plant. It is known for removing toxins from the air like formaldehyde and carbon monoxide.

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The other name of Peace Lily is Spathiphyllum. Although very often it is used as a floor plant, smaller varieties of peace lilies can be hung. It aids in removing mold spores and harmful gases.

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Hoya is also known as the Wax Plant. It helps purify the air by removing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and improving indoor air quality.

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Epipremnum Aureum is often regarded as Pothos. This plant can also filter out formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide, making it an effective air purifier.

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The scientific name of String of Pearls is Senecio Rowleyanus. It is a variation of succulent that resembles pearls. Senecio Rowleyanus helps reduce airborne pollutants, thus, improving air quality.

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Golden Pothos can effectively clean the air of formaldehyde, benzene, and toluene.

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Tillandsia plant is from the succulent family. You can hang them or put them in a pot. This air plant needs less attention yet helps absorb carbon dioxide and toxins from the air.

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Boston Fern or Sword Fern is a lush green plant that can improve air quality by removing pollutants like formaldehyde and xylene while adding humidity to the air.

Source: Pexels