Republic Lifestyle Desk

Skeleton Flower: A Perennial Plant That Turns Transparent When It Rains

Skeleton Flower is officially known as Diphylleia Grayi, it is native to Northern and Central Japan. You can also find transparent flowers in cold isolated sites in China and the US.

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Why does Skeleton Flower turn transparent when it rains?

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A perennial plant, the Skeleton Flower turns transparent when it rains because water fills the air pocket of the petals, causing the light to pass through making it appear clear.

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Science ABC explains, “The water and the flower’s cytolymph share a similar refractive index, so the light can pass through the flower without being reflected. The flowers now look transparent."

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Can I find Skeleton Flower in India? 

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No, you can't find Diphylleia Grayi in India, but you can grow them in cold places.

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The Skeleton Flower features large leaves with pointed lobes, white flowers, and yellow anthers.

Source: X

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