Republic Lifestyle Desk
Strange Types Of Coffee You Never Knew Existed
Coffee is one of the most consumed drinks in the world but there is no specific way of preparing it. Here are a few bizarre types that you didn't know existed.
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Kopi Luwak: It is the world’s most expensive and rarest type of coffee. It is made out of cat poop. The coffee is from Indonesia and is also called civet coffee.
Source: Unsplash
Monkey spit coffee: In Taiwan, Formosan Monkeys feast on the coffee. They are naturally drawn towards the best coffee berries. They chew those berries and spit out the berries.
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Egg coffee: The coffee is made with chicken egg yolk, coffee powder, condensed milk and optionally, cheese.
Source: Unsplash
Nitro brew coffee: It is infused with nitrogen in a similar process to that of making a beer. It is infused in a cold brew of coffee.
Source: Unsplash
Mushroom coffee: Mushroom coffee is the healthier alternative to regular coffee. A typical blend includes an equal mix of ground mushrooms and ground coffee beans.
Source: Unsplash
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