Republic Lifestyle Desk

Try THESE Yoga Asanas To Reduce Puffy Eyes

Adho Mukha Svanasana, also known as Downward-Facing Dog, is a yoga pose that can help reduce puffiness around the eyes. This pose inversion helps to increase blood flow and lymphatic drainage.

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Matsyasana is another yoga pose that can help reduce puffiness around the eyes. This pose stimulates the lymphatic system and helps to drain excess fluid from the face and eye area.

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Balasana can also help reduce puffiness around the eyes. This pose is a gentle inversion that allows gravity to help drain excess fluid from the face and eye area, which can help alleviate puffiness.

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Paschimottanasana can also help reduce puffiness around the eyes. This pose is an inversion that allows gravity to help drain excess fluid from the face and eye area.

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Viparita Karani is an excellent yoga asana for reducing puffy eyes. This inverted pose allows gravity to help drain excess fluid and blood from the face and eye area, which can help alleviate puffines

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Stimulates lymphatic drainage and reduces swelling in the face and eye area.

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Stretches the neck, shoulders, and face, improving circulation and reducing puffiness. Relaxes facial muscles, increases oxygen supply, and promotes lymphatic drainage.

Source: freepik