
Published 10:25 IST, May 19th 2020

How can a Leopard change its spots riddle - Check out its answer

How can a leopard change its spots riddle has been doing the rounds online for quite some time now. Read more to know about the leopard riddle answer.

Reported by: Surabhi Sabat
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how can a leopard change its spots
How can a leopard change its spots riddle? Check its head scratching answer! | Image: self

Nowadays, you can find many social media platforms flooded with such fun games and riddles that will keep you away from boredom for a long time. Check out one such riddle that has led people to scratch their heads. The riddle is called "how can a leopard change its spots". Many new riddles and puzzles are being shared every day on social media. During these tough times when the world is coping with the COVID-19 outbreak situation, many have turned to social media to spend their time. If you are one of those people who can't resist solving a puzzle, riddle or quiz as soon as you receive them on your social media, here is a riddle to exercise your brain cells. The trending puzzle is known as "how can a leopard change its spots". Check out the answer and explanation to this viral riddle. 

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How can a leopard change its spots riddle

how can a leopard change its spots, how can a leopard change its spots riddle, how can a leopard change its spots riddle answer

Image courtesy: Harsh Tank on Unsplash 


Which is the only way a leopard can change his spots?


By going from one spot to another.

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Answer: Age.

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Only one colour, but not one size,
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Present in sun, but not in rain,
Doing no harm, and feeling no pain.
What is it?


It's a shadow!

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Answer: The dark.

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Promo Image courtesy: Arek Socha from Pixabay 

Updated 10:26 IST, May 19th 2020