Plank Pose, also known as Kumbhakasana or Dandasana, involves holding the body like a plank, with breath retention being a key practice before lowering into a low push-up position.
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Kumbhakasana is a core strengthening pose used as the fifth transition from Ashwa Sanchalanasana to Ashtangasana in Sun Salutation, categorized under prone poses.
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Plank Pose (Phalakasana) is one versatile pose used in many schools of exercise like Pilates, free floor exercises, and the Gym. In Plank Pose, a lot of emphasis is on the core and shoulder muscles.
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Utkatasana, also known as Fierce Seat or Powerful Pose, is a strengthening and heat-building asana that combines all body parts into a cohesive and powerful whole.
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Utkata Konasana, a beginner-level pose in Yin Yoga sequences for hips, encourages space-taking, opening hips, and increasing range of motion.
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The Fierce Angle Pose, derived from the Sanskrit words Utkata, Kona, and Asana, symbolizes divine feminine energy with its fierce representation.
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Goddess Pose is a deep hip-opener practice, requiring introduction of Malasana or Baddha Konasana. It targets knee, ankles, and hip joints with outward-facing feet.
Source: Freepik