Republic Lifestyle Desk

9 Ways To Add Soaked Almonds In Your Diet

Benefits of Almond: These oval-shaped nuts contain healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium, and vitamin E. According to reports, at least 23 pieces of almonds are recommended to take in a day. 

Source: Pexels

Add soaked almonds in a muffin, bread, or cake batter for a nutty flavour.

Source: Pexels

Dice the soaked almonds in small pieces and sprinkle them over salads to add a crunchy texture and nutty flavour.

Source: Pexels

Add soaked almonds to your homemade energy bars or balls.

Source: Pexels

Blend soaked almonds until you get a watery texture, strain them and use the almond milk as an ingredient to make tea, coffee, and more.

Source: Pexels

Add soaked almonds into your smoothies and blend them well together, enjoy a creamy and nutty flavour smoothie.

Source: Pexels

Blend soaked almonds with fresh green chilli and use the almond paste as a chutney for your nachos.

Source: Pexels

You can simply munch on almonds as a snack in the morning, or even on your way to the office.

Source: Pexels

To make almond butter, you'd need soaked almonds and oil. Blend the two ingredients very well and use as a spread. 


Source: Pexels

Add some sliced of soaked almonds into your oatmeal or porridge for extra protein and a satisfying crunch.

Source: Pexels